

I catch glimpses of the outside world through the windows at work.

White snow on grey branches, white sky with silvered clouds. There comes a time when the beauty of this winter world's purity is lost in me, and only the oppressive lack of life and color remains. I have to grasp on to glimpses of sunshine and blue skies, drink in the grace of light on a day that aches with cold.

My spirit struggles in the bleakness of these months, and all I can do is keep exercising my soul to see all the blessings in the quiet time of winter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you describe my feelings as well. we've had 'freezing fog' for the last week. it makes the trees as white as the snow on the ground. but then there's all that fog -- everything's white, and i had to remind myself last week that the trees are beautiful. i just couldn't see it in all the whiteness.
