
Gagging on Accountability

I was the voice of dissention in my small group Wednesday night when we reviewed a new covenant handed out to all the groups. This was the paragraph that caused discord within me:

"ACCOUNTABILITY: We agree to let the members of the group hold us accountable to the commitments which each of us make in whatever loving ways we decide."

The word accountability alone sticks in my craw. No doubt in prayerful musing later on that this is probably a trigger from my own past. There was a lot of unlovingness in my relationship with my mother, and so I'm viewing this through a distorted lens.
Still...how did this become such an acceptable term within the world of Christ followers? I've researched and found an article that explains scripturally how this accountability thing all fits in. I've listened to my small group members explain that this means a close relationship with someone who is not there to berate you, but to check in with you and see how you're doing. I understand their viewpoint.

Still...if I am embracing this life in Christ, if I am trying to stay as much as possible in God's presence and let Spirit transform me, shouldn't there be a better word, a better phrase for walking alongside me as a fellow follower of Jesus of Nazareth than "accountability"?

In the world out there, it's often a harsh word. "Someone's going to be held accountable for this!"

From webster.com:

Entry Word: accountable
Function: adjective
Text: being the one who must meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so (the owner was held accountable for his dog's biting of the child) -- see RESPONSIBLE

I understand all the reasoning and the loving explanations for this word. But I don't have to like it.


gerbmom said...

So, you're looking for a gentler word? Is it the word or the concept that bothers you?

Anne said...

Karen, actually someone sent me a blog entry right after posting my scanty thoughts about Accountability. I've posted the other thoughts online as they reflect what I was thinking, but was so inarticulate about expressing!