
Pr@yer Vigil

In the sanctuary, tealight candles placed on black cloths glowed all around the perimeter of the low stage, and pillows were scattered on the floor for those who wanted to kneel and pray. It was quite dark, except for the candles. Peaceful. A Gregorian chant recording bathed it all in a feeling of holiness. I went last night and again today during our 24 hour prayer vigil. There was such a feeling of common unity in seeing others silently enter in and out, kneeling nearby, sitting in chairs with heads bowed, seeking God's face. Our pastor wasn't a part of this endeavor to pray for our church. I'm sure Lee was a part of it in spirit and prayer, but the body initiated and organized this prayer time for our church.

As I knelt in prayer I felt filled with the Spirit, felt tears rise to the surface as I was overwhelmed by this incredible gift of faith in Jesus Christ, this gift of living this side by side with others whose hearts are turned more to eternity than to this world. Sometimes it's so hard to explain this walk of Love to others, to express the joy I feel sharing this journey. So many hearts and souls today yearning to be immersed in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. What better life could I hope for?

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