

In one scene in The Motorcycle Diaries, Che Guevara had been working at a leper colony for several weeks. The medical staff and hospital was on one side of the river, the lepers lived on the other side. The night before he and his friend took off there was a party for them, and Guevara stepped outside, looked longingly? sadly? across the river at the lights from the leper colony. And then he dove in and started swimming.

At the moment when he arrived half-dead, and people waded out to bring him ashore and hold him up and walk with him and embrace him, I thought, Christ. Christ. I am seeing Christ. And it doesn't matter to me if they're Christian, or if I'm Christian, or if anyone ever talks about being Christian. It's handing the cup of water to someone - there is Jesus. It's holding out my hand, it's sharing my morsel of food, it's love flowing from my heart into their Christ eyes. It's there, right there. Every moment of love. Every kindness done. Every gentle word spoken. I see the Son in all of that...and if they don't see that love and compassion in me....then I have not immersed myself in him enough yet. I pray to be a conduit of that Love, no matter what name others give it. I pray I will see Christ in each face I meet.


gerbmom said...

This post made me think of the chapter on Paul Brand in Yancey's Soul Survivor. The great love and total acceptance he had for lepers. Here and in India. Read it if you get a chance Anne. Actually read the whole book - it's great!
It's interesting that this chapter in the book also shows in a concrete way that Yancey came to see and understand how pain can become a gift from God.

kingsjoy said...


I love that movie. And that scene is definitely a reflection of Christ-likeness.

Darla said...

i have never seen this.... but will definitely check it out. what a beautiful post anne. i hear you... it's love... it's all about love... i can't get off the scripture, love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself. i REALLY believe everything falls in place when we LIVE those two truths.... really. thanks for the love reminder! :)

Anne said...

Oh, Karen! Another book...but that sounds so good. I just read Yancey for the first time recently and really liked him. Thank you. I understand how pain can be a gift - on the other side of it, I think most of us would agree with that. But coward that I am, it's not something I wish for...but it finds us enough anyway, doesn't it?

Anne said...

Kingsjoy, you saw that movie! I'm glad you saw that scene with the same eyes that I did. I have such a long way to go to give that kind of love to people. Sigh.

Anne said...

Darla, admittedly I'm very scripture-challenged. But that one, that's the crux of this whole faith journey to me. I need to love big. :)