
A Tower of Yes

Each Yes of mine
I added to a tower of others.
With a deceptively sturdy base it
was so easy to add another yes-can.
It began with a foundation
I could build upon.
It was so simple to add one more
seemingly small, aluminum weight yes.
Yes, I can do that. Yes, I will call.
Yes, I will help. Yes, I can listen.
Yes, I will be there, do that, jump that hoop,
ride that rail, hoist that sail, drive that car.
And one more.
And another.
But it got hard to reach the top of the pile.
I stretched.
The stack grew higher
And higher
and harder to balance.

And then one inevitable day
a final yes toppled into another.
And another.
And another.
And suddenly with a rush and roar
The cans of yeses tumbled down.
A waterfall of crashing cans
falling in a metallic scream
that finally echoed into silence.
And then...
I heard the calling of the sparrow,
and the singing of the crickets,
the soft brush of an angel’s wing.
And sitting there in my pile of
Yes rubbish
I could hear God’s whisper,
His voice beckoning,
asking me to follow him.
I only needed to answer
with one single, solitary,
Sacred and holy,
Joyful and liberating,
Life-giving, spirit-filling
Oh yes.


Sadiq said...

as the sufis say,
it only takes one mystic glance from Divine Beloved upon our inner heart. when that happens, we can open like a sunflower to Sun, to the Great Sun just by saying YES.

by saying Yes to God we turn into a sunflower in this orchard of God.

beautiful sharing.


Diane M. Roth said...

great poem. sorry you have stopped blogging. hope it is temporary.