
Sacred Geometry & Frozen Music

"Geometry is sacred when it is mirrored from nature. The labyrinth is based on not only the circle--which is a universal symbol in all cultures around the world--but it's also based on the double spiral. If you think of ocean waves coming in and out, that's all spiral. If you look at the water going down your drain, it's spiral. There's spiral patterns. If you look at seashells you can see spirals. Spirals are in nature. So when geometry is reflecting that, it's called sacred.

Sacred geometry was an art in the Middle Ages that is lost to us now. It's based on everything being in proportion to itself, but not necessarily symmetrical. Many people are fascinated with sacred geometry and are caught up with drawing the labyrinth from Chartres--the eleven circuit medieval labyrinth. They draw it again and again. Some people base it on the Vesica Piscis. Personally I haven't gotten into the specifics of sacred geometry. You know, when we took our geometry classes, I get into more of the metaphoric understanding of it that some people describe as the envelope of pulsation. It's a way of being able to contain energy and create an energy center because of the design and the specifics of the drawing.

Another way of describing sacred geometry is frozen music, and I love that image, because, in a way, when we come to the labyrinth and begin to walk it, we're the frozen music. Then as we begin to follow the path you're turning left and then you're turning right, and then you're turning left again. You move through this wonderfully gracious pattern, and it unfreezes you. It opens your heart. It opens your mind. It quiets yourself so you can find your basic flow and be in rhythm with yourself."
Lauren Artress

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