
to the houdini man in my life

waves without rhythm

you come.

you go.

the ebb and flow has

an undiscernable


meanwhile I stand

on the shoreline

wearing dry sand

like a hairshirt.

but waters flow,

and there should be

a rhythm.

perhaps I’ve

just stood

on the shore

too long

to know.


Anonymous said...

Hi Anne!!! Wow, I'm so impressed with your many talents!!! I'm really looking forward to reading through your sites AND getting to know you better!!! :-)

Anne said...

Jennifer, thank you so much for such lovely words! I'm so excited to have you come to our group next Monday and getting to know you, and all the wonderful creative things you do. How wonderful!

Lydia said...

Very nice. :)

Do you think I could reprint it on The Ooze?